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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered here, use the Contacts link on the top of this page to e-mail the appropriate

Q. How old does my child have to be in order to sign up for Tee Ball?
A. If your child will be 4 years old before April 30th he/she can sign up for Tee Ball per the age chart.

Q. How often do teams practice?
A. The practice schedule is up to each manager, but you can expect one (some Tee Ball teams) or two practices a week.

Q. Will my child get a uniform?
A. Yes, each player will get a jersey and a hat. Players must provide his or her own game pants and socks.

Q. What other equipment will my child need?
A. NTLL provides the baseballs, helmets and catcher’s gear. Your child should have his/her own glove before the first practice begins in February. Almost all kids wear rubber cleats, but cleats are not required. Your child may bring his/her own bat to the practice or game but for safety reasons must hand it to a manager or coach so that they can control when it is to be used. Other equipment (batting gloves, bat bags, etc.) are optional.

Q. Who umpires the NTLL games?
A. NTLL utilizes an outside umpire service to provide umpires for most of the Junior, Major, and Minor division games. A few games in those divisions may be umpired by Little League District 27 umpires. For the Farm, Rookie, and Tee Ball divisions, the games are umpired by NTLL parent volunteers, typically managers & coaches. If you can help umpire, please let your child’s coach or our Head Umpire know… they will surely appreciate the help.

Q. Who is responsible for working in the NTLL snack bar?
A. Upon registering a player in the league, a player’s parent(s) agrees to work two shifts (per registered child) in the snack bar. Parents will need to register their shifts prior to the start of the season.  Upon completion of their designated shift, the snack bar retainer check will be returned to the parent. Please help support the League by doing your part in the snack bar. The league also allows parents to “buy out” of their snack bar obligation. For questions about snack bar duty or buy out, please contact our Snack Bar Coordinator.

Q. Does the League have a fundraiser?
A. Yes, NTLL relies on fundraising to help support the operations of the league. Player registration fees only account for a portion of the funds required for equipment, facilities maintenance and repairs, uniforms, etc. The League supplements player registration fees with league sponsors and fundraising. Each player’s parent(s) is expected to participate in the league’s annual fundraising activity. If you have questions about fundraising or the fundraising buyout, please contact our Way & Means coordinators.

Q. Does NTLL offer baseball opportunities for my child during the “off season”?
A. NTLL participates in District 27′s Training and Development league (a.k.a. TAD, Fall Ball, Winter Ball, or Sandlot Baseball), which typically runs from September to November. In this league, NTLL plays against teams from other Little Leagues in the area. The TAD league is not competitive (records/standings are NOT tracked) and the coaches are encouraged to be on the field with the players. In this environment, players can get ready to “play at the next level” when the Spring Season rolls around.

Q. Is NTLL the Little League for my area?
A. Little League Baseball determines the residency boundaries for all Little Leagues. To see if you reside within the NTLL boundaries, please check our residency boundaries page.

Q. Who do I contact if I have a problem or issue that hasn’t been resolved?
A. You can e-mail the appropriate Board Member with any questions, issues, or problems you would like addressed. Of course, your child’s manager should be the most available, and therefore first in line to address your issue.


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